COURSES First Year Contemporary Foreign Language Proseminar: Research Project Roots of European Culture and LiteratureContemporary Literary and Cultural Discourses in Central EuropeLiterary TheoryCentral Europe and the Balkans Today: Comparative StudiesOptional Courses – check coursesResearch SeminarMasterpieces and Bestsellers of the Central European Literatures in the Comparative PerspectiveComparative Literature StudiesIntercultural Dialogue: Workshop Second Year Research SeminarLiterature and New MediaLiterary Representations of Central European HistoryPopular Culture of the Central Europe and the BalkansRepresentation and Reception – cinematographic portraits of Central Europe and the BalkansOptional CoursesComparative Studies: Anthropology of Everyday LifeVideo Games Discourse AnalysisDigital Humanities: Workshop Smart Cities Check Syllabus OPTIONAL COURSES Check all courses which you can choose AMU-PIE WEBSITE